Monday, April 14, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

"No son we can't shot at them, they aren't ready for heaven yet, but we are."

I am watching End of the Spear and that line really stuck out to me.

Martyrs they give their lives without resistance. Because they know where they are going.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Two prayer requests

Keep in mind because there were minors involved not all the details were released, but here is what I have been able to piece together from the paper and from what other people have told me.

This last Friday three girls (they might be sisters but I am not sure) around the age of 8-10 were walking their dog in a gated community next to the town I live in. Then out of nowhere this man walks up to them and starts stabbing. One girl is dead, one is in critical condition because she was able to break free and one thankfully was able to run away and call for help.

Please pray for the two girls left behind, and the family of the little girl that died, he is a very popular local doctor and most of the town knows him and his family.

On a more personal note, can you also please pray for my aunt. She went in for back surgery this last week, but when she came out of surgery she was in more pain then ever. It took all weekend (easter weekend) but they figured out that she has a screw touching a nerve. So she had to stay in this hospital and they are going back in for surgery today.

Pray for her, her husband, daughter and all the family she has around her right now.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008



When I was a little girl, about the age of about seven, I came home one day with some new words that my best friend Cherry's older sister had taught me. I loved new words, and so I wanted to try them out, well I was very confused when my mother almost dropped the bowel in her hand when I said them. For my mother's credit she didn't overact, she very calmly explained that these were words that were "bad" and should never say them again.

Fast forward...

Yesterday I was in Taco Bell getting some lovely health food, when the gentlemen next to me remarked on how there was a lack of a certain hot sauce. And in this question addressed to the room it seemed as a whole, he choose to lace it with words that used to make a sailor blush with shame.

No one batted an eye.

Why is now okay to swear in public? Fifty years ago if you swore in front of a lady the rest of the men in the room would take you outside, now the women swear sometimes as bad or worse then the men.

Am I being to sensitive, well i have always thought I should just ignore it, but, why should I have to?

I am tired of so many people swearing against their mother and worse my God and letting is slide. I don't want to get used to it dang it!

But I am a loss as to what to do about it.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Map stalker?

So if you haven't noticed I have a cool little map over to the right here on my blog -------------->

I like it because it shows all the different places people have read my blog, which in this blog is not very many places, but on my news blog it is all over and so it is really cool.

But, I have discovered a downside.

Because I have the very awesome Firefox browser everyday (sometimes because I am bored twice a day) side click on my blog tab and say open all in tabs and all the blogs I read cascade across my screen.

Again a cool thing, or so I thought.

Today though I have discovered something, a lot of my friends have this map. And because I am out here in the boonys here in nor cal.... everyone can see how many times I go to that blog.

My dot keeps getting bigger.

So the question I have is... does this make me a map stalker......

Ok so laugh at me all you want... you all live for the most part in riverside.... you just don't understand... you can go all you want because it is all oone big dot...

I digress...

So in case you haven't figured it out I am bored....

so if you haven't in a while, give me a call... I hate calling people because I never know when they are in class, work or what ever...

I have no life so pretty much anytime is good for me....

someone should give me Nik's number to prank call.... I have Rachels... but I don't want to bother her.....

and yes.... I am sure this is not the best composed grammatically speaking...

but I don't care...


Friday, January 11, 2008

What are you doing this August?

I am part of a group set to spend 3 fun days helping to give away food, clothing and free medical and dental screening to migrant workers.

The thing is we need help, and I am hoping that God will lay it on your heart to come join us.

Right now I am just asking for people to pray about joining us. If all you can commit to doing is praying for us, that would be greatly appreciated.

We will be kicking it off on early Monday Aug. 4 with the free medical and dental screening. The next few days we are going to have a VBS for the kids, give away food, clothing, books and New Testaments.

We for this event will be working in partnership with the California Southern Baptist Convention. They will be doing this kind of event all over central and northern California all summer long.

If you want some more info give me a call or shoot me an e-mail at